Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Life is hard. It's the hardest thing any of us will ever do. But then maybe that's the idea.

Life can be cruel it can beat you up and knock you out...
It can shake you to your very core and leave you bruised and bleeding in the depths of despair.

Life is not fair.

The good die young, the poor get poorer and nice guys finish last.
We stumble and fumble our way through life believing there is some grand plan.

Life is not a rehearsal, it's the real deal.
There are no do-overs.

Life is messy...

But in the small unexpected moments there is the stuff that keeps us going.

Those things that bring a faint hint of hope into our otherwise chaotic lives. Those are the moments to pay attention to because those are the things you will carry on into the rest our your days.

But you must be vigilant, these are not grand important things. They are small, quiet, seemingly irrelevant things hidden throughout life like a scavenger hunt.

Treasures to be found and kept to reflect on when things get difficult and times get tough. They are the things that matter most in the end.

So be vigilant.

This has been a test, it was only a test, had it been an actual...

Monday, April 8, 2019


April 3, 2019:

It was just sitting there glowing.

Henry had found it while walking through the vacant lot on his way home from school.

He thought about showing it to his friends but he really wanted to keep its existence to himself.

Especially until he could figure out exactly what it was and what it did.

April 12th, 2019;

The whole town was out.

They'd been searching for days hoping to find some clue as to what had happened.

But three weeks one knew what had become of Henry..