Friday, February 28, 2020

Closing in...

When she was little it was just a greyish haze not too oppressive and she could shake it away.
She was young and strong then.

Later it became more like a fog that would roll in from time to time but there was a part of it that was always there hovering just above her.

Now it hung over her like a thick black cloud day by day getting bigger and closer and thicker and darker.

It had become a part of her.

She couldn't escape it no matter how far she went or how fast she ran or how old she got.

And one day it would envelop her and she would be gone forever.

And maybe that was okay.


  1. no, it not ever okay when a "sadness" ~~~~~~ takes over ♥♥

  2. Hari OM
    Maybe... but then light may come, and that would be okay too... YAM xx
